The Pros and the Cons of Cosmetic Surgery

One thing is clear. Cosmetic surgery stems from low self-esteem and an inability to accept yourself. If you really like and love yourself, you don’t need to change anything. conditioned. There is so much pressure to be beautiful and thin that it causes emotional distress and an enormous amount of self-loathing in women all over the world. We are bombarded with perfect images of women every day. Perfection stares at you just by looking at a billboard or reading a magazine. It’s easy to forget that the image you’re looking at is the best of 100 photos, possibly airbrushed. Yet images of these slim, attractive women trigger our insecurity and self-doubt, usually reaching for the first donut we can get…and the self-loathing ensues. .

The cosmetic surgery industry is booming and will continue to do so. However, it seems that not enough has been done to educate people thoroughly. We automatically assume that our outer beauty changes our inner self, but we are wrong. Most women don’t love themselves overnight after surgery at Surgery can help people with deformities and obvious flaws, but women seeking cosmetic changes like breast augmentation miraculously transform into the imaginary woman they’ve always wanted. Very little will be done. They still live with the same attitudes and beliefs as before.

I thought about it, and here are the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery from a psychologist’s perspective:


1) Cosmetic surgery can improve appearance and benefit a person on a superficial level

2) Changing the practitioner’s posture can improve self-confidence. Some people need little to change their self-image in a positive direction. Not only the surgery itself, but also the change in posture helps the transformation.

3) Cosmetic surgery helps people feel more accepted and less inferior to others.


1) Cosmetic surgery can erode your self-confidence because you constantly think of other people as the “wrong version” of yourself. This is not the true remorse that was originally intended and can put a person further out of harmony with themselves. You wonder if people would still like them if they knew them before surgery.

2) Cosmetic surgery deals only with aesthetics and does nothing with the emotional and mental aspects of a person. This can make a person feel even more lost than before surgery.

3) Complications of surgery. Surgery always has risks.

After all, there is no right or wrong here. Cosmetic surgery is a personal choice. Some affirm that plastic surgery has changed their lives for the better, while others feel they had unrealistic expectations of how it would change their lives. It doesn’t get any better (and even then, those people are incredibly shallow) and it doesn’t make you the most popular person at the party. Make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons – to please yourself, improve yourself, not fit in with others, or

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