Eyebrow Transplantation-Are You Up For It?

Eyebrows convey emotions. No quarrels there.

But it certainly takes a lot of effort to shape your eyebrows to suit your personality. Still, it’s not always possible to get thick, sculpted brows that flaunt your glam and frame boldly.

Let’s put an end to this daily struggle.

What is an eyebrow transplant?
Simply put, when thicker hairs are needed for eyebrows, a surgeon plucks hairs from where they are abundant and implants them into the eyebrows, a process he calls his FUE or follicle-unit extraction technique of hair transplantation. will be

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What are the benefits of eyebrow transplantation?

Eyebrow transplantation is primarily a cosmetic procedure. However, going into the innate function of eyebrows at Eyebrow Hair Transplant in Dubai, their main function is to somehow protect the eyes from dust and sunlight. Humans have evolved to use eyebrows to express their emotions. There are many benefits that come from having beautiful eyebrows.

Benefits of eyebrow transplant include:

You can get the shape, thickness and length of eyebrows you want. Well-groomed eyebrows make your eyes look more beautiful.
You can achieve a more fashionable look.
Eyebrows that match your personality can help you express yourself better.
Since this is a permanent solution, you won’t have to groom your eyebrows repeatedly.
You can avoid the risk of infection from repeated threading and waxing. Saves a lot of maintenance time.
For burnt skin:
You can regrow your eyebrows even if you have burns or scars nearby.
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How is an eyebrow transplant performed?
Eyebrow transplants are similar to hair transplants. As already mentioned, this is done using FUE technology. consultation:
During the consultation, your doctor will plan how to proceed, based on the health and availability of the donor’s hair and the desired eyebrow appearance. Start with preoperative medication, if needed.

On the day of the transplant, your doctor will use some form of anesthesia to help ease your pain and discomfort. At the beginning of the surgery, hair is usually removed from the back of the head (a woman’s thighs) with a punching machine. Implant the extracted graft into the eyebrow. The number of grafts required for transplantation depends on your requirements. But generally, the surgery lasts only a few hours.

However, eyebrow transplants are much more difficult than regular hair transplants. If you look closely at your eyebrows, you can see that they are arranged in a certain pattern. Each hair is along a specific angle and the hairs are intertwined.

For experienced eyebrow transplant surgeons, this work is nothing short of a fine art. It requires skill, experience and a great deal of patience. The wrong hair will spoil the overall look of your brows. That’s why at HairSure we take great care not to leave anything out of place.

Recovery and results:
After the eyebrow transplant, you will be discharged from the hospital on the same day. You may feel light-headed for a while. However, you should not feel any pain while taking the prescribed medication.

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